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Mission One Million Youths!

India is emerging as a Start-up Hub with many potential youths with great ideas. Considering the demography of India, we have the largest youth population in the world, the great power we are blessed as a nation. India is also one of the largest consumer bases in the world.


EvolvingX is on a mission to empower one million youths of India. We provides a self-sustainable model for Higher Institutions in India to provide exposure & experience in Start-up & Entrepreneurship domain to youths at an early stage of their career, helping them develop skills and competencies to thrive for excellence in life.

Events & Programs

Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Startup Ecosystem

Meet up with Youth Icons

Impactful & Dynamic personalities from the Industry, Academia & Startup Ecosystem contributing towards Entrepreneurship Culture & Youth Empowerment!

Handover of book - EvolvingX Methodology for Entrepreneurship to Delegates from industry, academia and social sector

Interns @

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